Friday, December 30, 2011

a culinary history lesson- rice

Rice is a southern staple. Down south, nine times out of ten you will find rice and gravy on the menu instead of mashed potatoes and gravy. I love rice. No, seriously. I do. I eat rice probably 3-4 times per week. Not only is it awesome as a side but its also an important ingredient in many southern dishes.

Rice is truly important to Southern cuisine, and I believe that calls for a brief history lesson.

Rice was introduced to America in 1685 as a gift from a ship Captain sailing from Madagascar. The Captain's ship was badly damaged by storms, and the colonists of Charles Towne (now Charleston, SC) were kind enough to help out with the repairs. As a thank you the Captain gave the colonists some "Golden Seede Rice." That same rice is known today as Carolina Gold Rice and is grown at very few plantations, making it highly sought after.
The marshes and rivers of South Carolina turned out to be a perfect location for rice production. Slaves from West Africa and Coastal Sierra Leone were the most highly sought due to their knowledge of rice production. The slaves taught plantation owners how to dyke the marshes and flood the fields, and mill and winnow the rice. If you've ever been to Charleston you have seen women on the street corners weaving beautiful sweetgrass baskets. Sweetgrass baskets were originally used for winnowing (separating the grain from its hull). Rice is credited to starting the plantation era in the South.
Rice harvesting is all done by hand due to the wetlands that it is grown in (tractors would get bogged down in the marsh), and at the height of its production was all done by slaves. After the Civil War rice production in South Carolina drastically declined due to the loss of slave labor. Today rice is primarily grown along the Mississippi River and in California.

Now that you have been learned I will share with you the secret to perfectly fluffy rice every single time..
How to make perfect fluffy white rice:

1 cup of long grain white rice
1 & 3/4 cups of water
1 tbsp butter
kosher salt

Start by rinsing your rice in a fine mesh strainer. Run it under cold water until the water coming from the bottom of the strainer runs clear. The rinsing removes loose starch from the outside of the grain. That excess starch is what makes rice sticky instead of fluffy. Allow the rice to drain thoroughly.

In a medium, heavy bottomed pot with a tight fitting lid combine the rinsed and drained rice, water, butter and salt. This is really important. You MUST use a pot with a really tight fitting lid with no steam hole in the top.

If you have an electric stove you will need to use two burners. One set to high, and the other set between medium and low. Bring the pot to a boil on the high burner. As soon as the water is boiling, cover the pot and slide the pot over to the low burner. Cook at a gentle simmer until the water is completely absorbed, right at about 12 minutes. If you are using a gas stove you can just lower the heat under the pot to medium low once the water starts to boil, no need to switch burners.

Remove the pot from the heat and let it sit undisturbed with the lid on for at least 5 minutes. DO NOT LIFT THE LID!! Letting the rice to sit off of the heat allows the moisture in the rice to redistribute itself creating a more uniform texture.

When you are ready to serve, fluff the rice with the fork to separate the grains.

Like I said, rice is a southern staple. Expect a lot more rice recipes in the future.

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