Saturday, September 3, 2011

Forging My Own Frontier..

This is my second attempt at a blog. My first was actually a homework assignment for an English class. I wrote two entries, dropped the class, and with all of my other courses I didn’t have time to keep posting. I’ve always loved to write, and journaling for a long time has been a way to for me to relax and reflect. I’ve been saying for awhile now that I wanted to start a new blog, but have not followed through. But now seems as perfect a time as ever to start…
I just moved to Kansas. But let me back up a little. I was born and raised in South Carolina, and moved to State College, PA five years ago to go to college. At Penn State I made some great friends and met the love of my life. In December I graduated, and moved back home to work while my fiance (note- I really hate that word, so from here on out I will call him future hubby or FH) looked for a job. I got a phone call in July saying he had taken a job in Southeast Kansas. So, I packed up the truck and made the 18 hour drive to be with him. 
So now I live in a super small town where I don’t know anybody, and don’t really have anything to do. My days are full of Will and Grace reruns and playing Frontierville on Facebook while FH is at work. So, I decided that finally starting a blog would be a great way to spend my time. 
I plan to use this space to chronicle my new start and share my love of food with the blogosphere. 

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